The 7 Learning Styles You Must Know When Teaching Children to Read

There are many strategies out there when it comes to learning how to read as well as teaching a child to read. The key point is that everyone learns differently so not everyone is going to get it if only one style is used. The first step is determining what kind of learner the child you are teaching is. There are 7 main types of learning styles you should understand before determining how you are going to teach the material.

1. Visual Learner

Looking at imagery helps this type of learner understand what something means by actually seeing a picture or video of it. If someone were to tell them what something means they may not grasp the concept as much as if they were given an actual image of it. Imagine trying to explain to a child what a horse is. You would say something like “it’s a big animal with 4 long legs that people can ride.” Now, instead of just telling them, you show them a picture of a person on a horse. That visualization makes the meaning a lot clearer.

2. Aural Learner

The sound is the key factor here but not necessarily just listening to something but also speaking it. This learner will usually repeat what they heard or read aloud over and over to fully understand. For example, listening to an audiobook where they can replay something multiple times helps them grasp what it means. Similar to the visual learner, video clips can also be helpful.

3. Verbal Learner

A verbal learner is basically the opposite of a visual learner. They don’t need to see anything. A person can just tell them what it means and for the most part they get it. When someone describes something to them they tend to repeat it as well as write it. This sounds similar to the aural but the main difference here is that a verbal learner needs both the written and spoken word to fully comprehend the subject. These learners prefer language definitions versus visual information.

4. Physical Learner

Much like the title says this style of learning is all about touch. The ability to play around with the object of discussion helps this person truly understand what it is. Think about science for a second. When you are reading a science experiment you might understand pieces of what it’s talking about but you don’t really understand the whole picture. However, if you are actually in the lab touching the substances and doing the experiment yourself then everything makes sense and you understand what the textbook was saying.

5. Logical Learner

This type of learner comes from a more mathematical approach. Numbers, analysis, testing, and problem solving are all part of this style. They are very calculated and prefer using puzzles and games to try and understand something. To help them retain the information they create patterns of logic and anything outside of that hinders their understanding of the subject.

6. Social Learner

This style focuses on the observation of people. Rather than speaking, writing, or even watching a video, this person learns by simply watching the people around them. Think about learning a new language. You can be in a classroom reading a book or listening to the teacher explain the meaning of words for which you may only retain a small percentage of that information. Now, think about actually being surrounded by people who only speak that language all day every day. This learner naturally picks up and remembers the information from the people around them.

7. Solitary Learner

This is pretty much the opposite of a social learner. Rather than observing others, this person would be by themselves where it is quiet so they can focus. Their thinking is on the current subject only and they rely on their own thoughts and analyze it themselves. If something seems incorrect they will reevaluate how they got to that conclusion and figure it out. The takeaway from this style is that it’s only about them. They will read a passage, look up what the words mean, re-read it until they can fully comprehend it.

There are many learning styles out there but keep in mind that some learn using one style where others may learn using multiple styles. No matter what student’s style(s) is, it’s always nice to have technology that encompases all of them to give everyone the best chance of fully comprehending the reading material especially those that have difficulty reading.

If you want an app that provides kids with a multi-sensory reading experience that improves their comprehension skills then WhizRead is that app. Whether it is reading aloud, listening, getting definitions, seeing pictures, watching video examples, this is the perfect app to give those young readers all the information they need in one place. This helps the student focus on their main activity, reading, without having to constantly search for information outside.

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